Day after day, more people are embracing freelancing as a viable career option across the globe. Studies predict that freelancers could make approximately 80% of the global workforce by 2030. Freelancing Gigs or Services are a great way for freelancers to make their way in to the world of freelancing. Yet is it easier said than done with all the obstacles along your way. Anyway, no need to worry if you feel like your negotiation skills could be costing you gigs. I’ve compiled a list of the dos and don’ts to guide you while negotiating your gigs with clients.
Asking the right questions helps in avoiding misunderstandings and makes a good impression on clients. However, avoid flooding a client’s inbox with questions, as it will make you appear unprofessional. Remember these tips when asking questions from clients regarding your Gigs:
According to the Workana Remote Work and Employment 2019 Report, 46.8% of clients find it hard to get freelancers with the skills they are precisely looking for. Therefore, during negotiations try to provide solid proof of previous achievements. Keep below points in mind when providing feedback to clients:
Do you want to prove that the offer you are making is fair? Then, you could first consider asking friends how much they could charge for similar freelancing Gigs.
Also, allow the client first to share their budget. And finally, research online for testimonials and reviews on how other freelancers charged for similar freelancing Gigs. Follow these tips when gathering information on Gig prices:
Always aim higher when negotiating with a client. You could decide to sweeten the deal by offering something extra rather than lowering the price. For example, you may promise to give a discount if assigned a long-term project. When negotiating higher always stick to below points:
Hiring dishonest freelancers worries most clients. For this reason, it’s your responsibility as a freelancer, to be honest about everything concerning the project. For instance, during the interview, start by asking clients whether they have enough budget for the task. Here is how you can stay transparent during negotiations with clients:
Setting gig rates is arguably the toughest challenge new freelancers’ encounter. You neither want to overcharge and miss out on gigs nor undercharge and end up unprofitable. According to 15 members of the Forbes Coaches Council, consider the value you bring to a client when setting your rates. Consider below points in not to underestimate your worth:
Accepting unfavorable terms is the biggest mistake you can probably make in freelancing. Some clients will approach you with unworkable deadlines or unsuitable project expectations. If you come across such clients, walk away rather than enduring the consequences that will come with your bad decisions. Remember these points when dealing with uncomfortable Gig terms and conditions of clients:
Rushing to make decisions leads to frustrating experiences. To illustrate, due to poor choices, 43% of freelancers end up encountering losses. Hence, always consider giving yourself time to think about the opportunity. At least, it will help you evaluate the negative and positive aspects to expect. Keep below tips in mind when prompted to make quick decisions:
The first step when selling your freelance services or Gig is to establish your goals and minimum requirements. You must make it clear that you are willing to walk away from the negotiations without selling. Otherwise, acting desperate will signal the buyer to keep on pushing down the price. Follow these guidelines on this regard:
Settling for the lowest possible rate in a bid to win the project will make it hard for you to find new better-paying gigs. On the other hand, charging extremely high rates might make it hard for most clients to afford to work with you. Therefore, it is advisable to settle for a fair rate that will favor both parties. Below tips will help you choose the right path if ever you get to this situation:
Negotiating gigs with clients can be challenging for both new and experienced freelancers. Hence, failure to negotiate well can make you lose out on projects and slow your freelancing growth. Consider learning what to do and what to avoid when negotiating your gigs with clients. It could be asking relevant questions, making sound decisions, or even pricing your services. To sum up, consider improving your negotiation skills with above discussed Do’s and Don’ts and stand out in front of your clients.
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