Ilham Firdaus (Patrix Linus)

Python, Ruby, GO, PHP, PERL, JavaScript(AJAX, ReactJS, NodeJS), HTML, CSS, C, C#, C++, Java, Kotlin, Dart&Flutter

  • Indonesia
  • Member since July 5, 2024
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  • 00 ongoing Projects
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Worldwide remote IT-Programmer for Linux, UNIX, Windows and Android by using: Python, Ruby, GO, PHP, PERL, JavaScript(AJAX, ReactJS, NodeJS), HTML, CSS, C, C#, C++, Java, Kotlin, Dart&Flutter


LAN Technician and Helpdesk

  • PT.Usaha Sistem Informasi(USI) Jaya.
  • February 1, 1995 - July 31, 1996

The head-office was in Landmark-2 Building, Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta, Indonesia. This company was IBM-Indonesia. They also had IT-Consultant in their business-line. My super-ordinates were: [Pak] Ukar Natasuminta and [Pak] Hendra.

Technical Support

  • PT.UniNET Media Sakti.
  • August 1, 1996 - July 31, 1996

The head-office was in Dharmala-Sakti Building, Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta, Indonesia. This company was an ISP (Internet-Service-Provider) and a part of „Dharmala-Sakti Group“. My super-ordinates were: [Pak] Rizki, [Pak] Rafly and [Pak] Deden.


  • PT.Binusatika.
  • August 1, 1998 - March 3, 1999

The project-site was in Indovision-CableTV Building, Kebon-Jeruk. Western-Jakarta. This company was an IT-Consultant. The project was for Indovision (Cable TV provider) in Jakarta. I was responsible to build an interface whose name SMS (Subscribers-Management- Service). This SMS retrived records from SMS Database and then generated encapsulated-datagram (NDT020 encapsulation) containing commands, data, timestamp and other-fields those needed to be executed by CA (Control Access). All Communications were done in TCP/IP Networking socket (not in the UNIX Socket). This software was developed in C/C++ Programming Language. My super-ordinate was: [Pak] Darianto.

Network Administrator

  • IT Department of PT.Asuransi Jiwa LippoLife.
  • March 1, 1999 - October 31, 1999

The head-office was in Lippo-Karawaci, Building, Indonesia. I joined their IT Department of their Headquarter in Lippo Building (Karawaci). They had relatively big network (more than 400 users) including LAN and intranet. My super-ordinates were: [Pak] Tommy and [Pak] Yongki.

Programmierer und SystemsBetreuer

  • Economy Partner, GmbH.
  • January 1, 2001 - July 31, 2001

This company operated in stock exchange as their business-line. Almost all environment used Windows and Linux. All database-application was built by using Tcl/Tk, Python, MySQL and OpenOffice. My super-ordinates were: [Herr.]Räubert and [Herr.]Dagage.

Programmierer und SystemsBetreuer

  • LAM AG
  • September 1, 2001 - October 1, 2007

The head-office was at Dr.Alfred-Herrhäusen-Allee 22. Rheinhäusener-Businesspark. Duisburg-Rheinhausen, Germany. This company operated a business in stock-exchange. I had built the system for this company from scratch (zero) by using PHP, Python, Perl, Apache, MySQL, OpenOffice, Qt and GNU C/C++. The workstations used Windows or Linux as their For the integration to phonecall-application, I used IP/PBX which built by using asterisk and asterisk-card from OpenVOX. My super-ordinate was: [Herr.]Andreas Pasenau.

Software Engineer

  • Tecways, AG
  • October 1, 2007 - July 31, 2008

The head-office was at Frankenthaler Straße, 2. München(MÜnich), Germany. This firma operated in 3 countries (Germany, Malaysia, Indonesia) as I joined them. This firma was an IT Consultant and developed middle-tier device for Cellular Mobile Network. I was associated to their software-engineering team for serving their customer in Indonesia. Programming-languages for development on server-side were: ANSI C and Java (SE[JDK] and J2EE). For Linux platform were GNU C++ and Java (SE). My super-ordinate was: [Herr.]DR.-Ing., Richard Büchtler.


  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
  • August 1, 2008 - March 1, 2009

The head-office was at Rasuna-Said, Kuningan, Jakarta, Indonesia. This firma was one of biggest business-consultant in the world. I was hired by their Department of KM (Knowledge-Management). They wanted to develop an Artificial-Intelligent application to an eLibrary. PwC had a lot of unpublished precious and expensive knowledge(materials) either in analog or in digital media and these materials may not be visible(published) to public, for simply explanation: „PwC wanted to have their own private search-engine for their classified knowledges but easily accessed or explored by their competent-staffs.“ This meant that the eLibrary should have: „1.Digital Scanning process (converting all analog-materials into digital-data); 2.Accurate OCR; 3.Crawling-Robot; 4.Artificial-Intelligent for reparsing and organised the knowledge into a smart and growing databases; 5.Good Human-Interfacing to present an intuitive but easily understood eLibrary“. All these 5 processes should work together as parallel-processes continuously in a system to present a very good working-support for their experts (AS A WORLD BIGGEST BUSINESS CONSULTANT). I created the prototype(design) of its engine 80 % in Python. And the rest (20%) in GNU C++. My super-ordinates were: [Mrs.]Ann Cunningham and [Pak] Rizki.


  • PT.Sigma Cipta Caraka (BaliCamp)
  • March 1, 2009 - June 1, 2009

The head-office was in SGU(Swiss-German-University)-Building, BSD-Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. This firma was an IT Consultant and Banking Software-house (software-manufacturer for banking such as ATM application). One of their customer was ASTRA TOYOTA. I solved a hard problem which already happened for more than 1 year. ASTRA TOYOTA used a database application which developed by using MS Visual Basic for working with MS SQL 2000 and MS SQL 2003. The object of ADODB was not fully compatible between MS SQL 2008 and its previous version of MS SQL. So they had difficulties if they need to use the old databases stored in the previous version of MS SQL. I solved this problem only in less than 3 months. I developed migration database-tool by using PERL, backing up all of old databases and restore them to MS SQL 2008. My super-ordinates were: [Ibu] Chistine and [Pak] Dedi.

IT Manager

  • PT.Meares Soputan Mining (MSM)
  • June 1, 2009 - June 1, 2010

This was a gold-mining project. The project-site was in Tokatindung-Forest, nearby Manado, Northern-Sulawesi, Indonesia. All servers were on Linux and almost all workstation on Windows-platform. My super-ordinate was: [Mr.]Christopher Stephenson.


  • OpenTEK[nologie internasional, PT]
  • July 1, 2010 - June 1, 2013

The head-office was at Kelapa-Gading Sports-Mall, Kelapa-Gading, Indonesia. This company was an OpenVOX distributor, System-Integrator and Software-Developer. I was the pioneer of IP-PBX technology in Indonesia. I fully integrated this IP-PBX to ultimate ERP for co-operation, customer-care and business-communication. I built and own full set of servers for IP-PBX, RDBMS, Webhosting, Email-server, DNS and so on in OpenSuSE-Linux platform.


  • OpenTEK (Workshop Computer dan Elektronika)
  • January 1, 2016 - continue

4.12.1. I Designed and manufactured Pyrolisys-machine for converting plastic- trashes into biosolar: Almost 3 times accomplished: 2 were manually-operated and the last one was fully automatized by using PLC; 4.12.2. Several Software services such as: SEO-Jockey, Several applications Development(programming), Website-building etc; 4.12.3. Solar-panel manufacturing. 4.12.4. Several repairment-services such as: Android-Cellphone, TV, radio, etc. 4.12.5.Single-Layer PCB Design and manufacturing; 4.12.6.Remote(freelance)-programmer by (, (, etc; 4.12.7.Penetration-test ( This is the example of my ads through facebook-broadcasting. Occasionally this ad is in Bahasa(Indonesia). This website has been developed by using Python-Flask, Python 3.11, HTML and CSS. Beside this 2 website, I am also creating this 3 websites... 1. → This is a website-version of ourERP. It is developed by using Python 3.11, Python-Flask, HTML, CSS and NodeJS. CV for about the specification of my Technical-Skill: 2. ( → This is a website of Projects- Corner. It should be a competitor of upwork and freelancer. It is developed by using PHP, Laravel, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and NodeJS. 3. ( → This is a website of ourAccomm[odation]. It should be a competitor of MamiKos and Traveloka. It is developed by using GoLang, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and NodeJS.

IT Programmer + IT-PMO

  • State-Grid Corporation of China (SGCC)
  • April 1, 2023 - September 1, 2023

SGCC is one of the biggest energy-companies in the world. The number of their employees is almost 1 million persons around the world. For Indonesia, the head-office was in the building of “Pacific Century Place”, 36 th and 39th floor, SCBD (Sudirman Central Business District), Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Jakarta. The project where I am associated is AMI (Advanced Meter Infrastructure) for PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) Republic of Indonesia.

Educational Details

Electrical Engineering

  • Trisakti University
  • November 1, 1991 - July 1, 1998

Faculty of Industrial Technology Electrical Engineering Department Control System Application

Elektrotechnik und Information

  • Hagen Universität
  • July 1, 2001 - July 1, 2007

Mathematik Fakultät Abteilung: Elektrotechnik und Information

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