historical research related to Land settlement 1870 Brithish India
I am conducting historical research related to my ancestry records from the British India period, with a focus on the Utmanzai region. In particular, I am looking for references and copies from the following sources:
"Report on the Yoozoofzaee District 1853" by H.B. Lumsden
I am interested in any details this report may contain related to land assessments, tribal areas, or administrative boundaries during this period.
"Assessment Report of the Swabi Tehsil of the Peshawar District" (Government of India, Calcutta 1928)
Specifically, I am seeking information on land ownership, taxation, and administrative divisions in the Swabi Tehsil.
Utman Daftar Manuscript
This manuscript is of significant local historical importance to the Utmanzai tribal lands. Any references or records you may have on this would be highly valuable.
Project ID:PB-69151-lancer